It's a horrifying look into what happens when technology puts evolution in reverse and allows people who would have been culled from the herd long ago to survive and procreate. Essentially, it's a site where retards can ask retarded questions and get answers from other retards. Some are insightful and useful, but most are just idiocy. While some people ask specific and smart questions, the vast majority of posts are asked by people who can't even figure out how to figure something out themselves. There are angsty teens, clueless middle-aged people, and senile old people. Many are largely unintelligible with spelling, punctuation, and grammar that would make an English professor weep. Still more ask questions about policies of certain companies that could've been solved faster if they'd just gone to said website or picked up a phone.
Others want you to do their homework for them. Most are people who can somehow figure out how to use Y!A to post questions, but can't figure out even the most basic aspects of a search engine. A website with a userbase comprised largely of some of the dumbest and laziest retards ever to walk the planet.